What role can healthcare apps play in driving corporate growth?
Businesses are vigorously pursuing expansion and growth in today’s unstoppable world. The smallest of businesses are attempting to make the most of the time and resources available to help their business grow.
So, if companies do not consider their employees’ health, they may as well say goodbye to their own growth. A worker’s health was only a family concern, those days are long gone. Today, the employee’s extended family is the organization, and they cannot afford to disregard these issues.
One of the most valuable possessions somebody may have is their health. We hardly ever have time to take care of our health in today’s busy and hectic world. We should give first importance to health, but we rarely devote even one hour to it. Our daily routine is one of the key causes of the same. We are so focused on building our careers that we barely have any time for self-care. This is going to be really destructive in the long run. There is an excellent answer to this issue. The combination of the corporate and healthcare sectors can assist in resolving this issue of health neglect as the employee health benefits would be handled by the corporation itself.
The human resources division needs to prioritise employee wellness as the top business goal if it wants to increase employee engagement. This necessitates them having a corporate health application as a primary requirement. Corporate companies can achieve it with the use of customized corporate health care apps.
How might the healthcare app contribute to the corporate world's expansion and success?
Assist in monitoring the health of your employees. Maintain current records of an employee's health and assist a worker who has health concerns.
This can deliver on-the-go healthcare information.
Healthy workers contribute to increased productivity and expansion within the company.
This might raise the employees' awareness of and consciousness about their own health.
It streamlines the processing of employee health benefits and combines health data and can help maintain the core goal of a corporate wellness programme, which is a planned effort to encourage your personnel to lead better lifestyles.
Promoting subjects related to health and wellbeing, initiatives to modify behaviour, and methods of stress management. Thus, absenteeism is decreased, morale is increased, attention is improved, inspiration is increased, and energy is most critically increased.
Offer specialised nutritional guidance that can improve mental clarity, mood, sleep, weariness, infection resistance, and stress tolerance.
Integrate with wearable healthcare technology to keep a track of vital info like a heartbeat, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, haemoglobin levels, medication reminders, health watch calendar, sleep patterns, food intake calorie metre, and also look into the needs of patients with chronic diseases.
In the form of a digital information centre that is available to the entire organisation and its employees, contribute to the creation of a platform for connecting for doctor consultations, health laboratories, hospitals, and healthcare advice.
Two important segments of the Indian economy are the corporate and healthcare sectors. The integration of the healthcare industry will be extremely beneficial to the growth of both of these industries. A secure transmission of health information is supported by the EHR solution provided by Medify. It offers the chance for healthcare facilities to expand their capabilities in order to put better working practices into use and offer fresh services to patients, doctors, and pharmacies. Various Curated Corporate Healthcare Plans are now available on Medify.
Visit Medify for Corporates to learn more about the various services for corporates that Medify provides.
In the end, health is wealth, as they say.
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Staying Healthy While Working In The ‘New Normal’
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